food insecurity in one generation through high-
capacity, school-based hydroponic farming.
food system for all
the EOP initiative seeks to create systemic change by establishing environmentally sustainable engineering as a
core tenet of the profession. To achieve this, the initiative provides a roadmap for integrating fundamental principles
of sustainability into engineering education to support the health of the planet and the lives it sustains.
and invent with the planet in mind.
an engineer’s decisions regarding design, source materials, production, distribution, and disposal can make
a difference on whether their work contributes to or mitigates environmental impact. However, most engineering students
are not equipped to apply the core principles of sustainable design and environmental responsibility.
who design and build for the smallest environmental footprint possible.
responsiveness to planetary protection. Organizations like the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)
and professional engineering associations are highlighting the need to accelerate the integration of competencies of
environmental sustainability across engineering education.
transform the engineering profession to address environmental sustainability.
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